Kinesiology is an ultimate health science and healing art which combines Western knowledge of Human body and Eastern medicine. It is based on principal energy model of acupuncture meridians and flow of Chi, detecting energy disturbances, resolving the blockages of Chi and correcting it thus bringing about a natural body’s ability to heal itself.
Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines that use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well-being. It combines Western techniques with Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies at the root level and accesses the life-enhancing potential within the individual.
Kinesiology balances the body on many levels. Its effective results come from the way it works with the body’s innate healing intelligence to restore balance and health to neurological and physiological function. Through this modality, profound changes may be experienced emotionally, mentally, and physically, thereby increasing a person’s health and wellbeing. When our system is functioning well, we feel well.
The real goal of any kinesiology "balance" is to identify the root cause of any imbalance and then resolve it. It may be nutritional, emotional, structural, psychological, energetic, or even spiritual. Something as simple as an "attitude" or a forgotten memory.
Muscle monitoring gives instant access to the information held by the core operating unit of the entire body-mind system—the subconscious. This normally inaccessible neural substrate holds all our memories and information about physical, emotional, mental, and energetic states. Kinesiology accesses the information in the bio-system in order to assist the natural healing process.
Kinesiology can help you with:
Respiratory issues
Nervous disorders
Food sensitivities & intolerances
Sports injuries
Personal development & lifestyle enhancement
General wellbeing
And much more...
Stress & confusion
Depressive tendencies
Digestive disorders
Fatigue & tiredness
Back problems
Learning disabilities
Schedule Your Appointment
Zoran Milisic, Kinesiologist
T 0426 940 376